
Grey willow - Salix cinerea

Grey willow is common on low fertility soils found in wetlands. Grey or pussy willow does set large quantities of seed and should be removed eventually. However the willows may be providing shelter for native shrubs like patete, mahoe and a range of ferns, for this reason progressive removal as native vegetation is established may be the preferred option. In other areas where the native vegetation consists of more wetland species like cabbage trees and sedges, early removal or poisoning may be better.

Control: Initially the willow should have the lower branches removed to provide access to other weeds beneath. After a sub canopy is established in the planting, the options are to drill a series of ten mm holes in the trunk and fill with glyphosate herbicide, cut the bark and paint herbicide on the cuts or cut down and remove the whole tree. If the dead tree is to be left standing, remove the lower branches to allow access to the other weeds.